Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Here are your tasks:
1. Make comments on your classmates' assignments on Monday and Tuesday, including Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 on the following for each:
   a. What went well: was the meaning clear? was the pronunciation clear? how was the self-correction?
   b. What could be improved: was the meaning clear? was the pronunciation clear? how was the self-correction?

2. Role play: Nurses and poor handwriting

3. A nurse hands you this burns outpatient resource. Do the following:

Find (Ctrl-F) the number of itch, itching, itchy, or itchiness appears.
itch  appears 8 times, itching  appears 5 times,itchy  appears 2 times, itchiness  appears 1 times.

Write down 2 do’s and 2 don’ts when feeling itchy.
Wash your skin daily with warm water only
Massage moisturiser (Dermaveen or Sorbolene) into the healing skin to prevent dryness and flaking. 

Do Not Scratch as this will not relieve the itching.
Do Not  wear  pressure garments did not make sure you are wearing them as
instructed and rinsing all the soap out of them after washing. 

State in your own words 5 steps for bathing.
1. Remove any pressure garments before bathing. If the dressings stick to your skin, soak them off in the water. 
2. Test the temperature of the water with an unburned area of skin before you get in. Remember that your skin may be more sensitive than usual to hot or cold temperatures.
3.Do a short exercise routine whilst bathing. 
4.. Use non- perfumed soap (such as Pure Velvet, Simple Soap, Dermaveen, QV).
5.. Wash gently but firmly with a wash cloth. This will help to clean off any crusts, scabs or loose skin. Dry gently with a clean towel. 

Write down 3 rules regarding diet.

A healthy eating plan includes foods from all five food groups, as outlined in the Healthy Food Pyramid. 

You should aim to include all food groups everyday, especially the recommended serves of meat and milk/milk products, as these are excellent sources of protein and will help your wounds to heal.

The easiest indicator of your nutritional progress is your weight and should be checked
weekly. Depending on whether your weight is increasing or decreasing will help you
determine how you will need to alter your diet.

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