Monday, March 21, 2016

About Me Section

About Me Section--Write about:

   1. Who are you?

     I am Ashley Z. I came from China.

   2. What are your English learning goals in Level 4-5?

  My English learning goals in Level 4-5 are :
  Speaking: I hope I can fluently use English to express what I want to say.
  Reading: I hope I can read the English newspearps and English books.
  listening: I hope I can completely understand if someone told me.
  Writing: I hope I could write your own personal introduction and resume work.

  3. What are your goals for this week?
 My English learning goals for this week are speaking better and listening better.
  4.What have you learnt so far?
I have learned use blogger and how to make an English presention. 

  5.What I have enjoyed doing the most?
I have enjoyed making presention and also enjoyed doing editing checklist most.
  6.What I have enjoyed doing the least?
I have not enjoyed doing homework online hole classtime.
I hope I could do homework after class.

 7.Any other comments I may have ...
I hope I could  do more than Speaking exercises and Listening exercises.

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